

警报 that help, rather than annoy you.



You choose the alerts and how to receive them.

让你能够设置自定义提醒,随时了解你的财务活动,这只是元素旨在支持你和你的财务健康的另一种方式. Which alerts you get and how you receive them is up to you. 只要去利记设置提醒,这样你就知道你的元素检查发生了什么, 储蓄, 信用卡, mortgage or loan accounts and take action when needed. Choose to receive your alerts by email, text, 的声音, or in-app. What would be most helpful to you? You can receive notifications such as 平衡警报, 交易活动, eStatements, 帐户安全通知, 账单支付提醒, 信用评分更新等等. 这取决于你.


How do I customize alerts in 利记?

您可以设置各种电子邮件, text, 的声音, and in-app alerts to keep tabs on your 元素 accounts. 从众多警报中选择, 包括余额提醒, 交易活动, 帐户安全通知等等.

Types of 自定义利记提醒

  • 账户警报 -当您的余额或股息大于,小于或正好是指定金额时得到通知. Includes available 平衡警报.
  • 历史提醒 – get a notification when a transaction meets criteria you set, 比如超过100美元的借方, 任何金额的信用证, or a specific check number clears.
  • 网上交易提醒 – get an alert when the status of an account activity meets criteria you set, such as when a change of address is processed, 批准资金转移, or a check reorder is cancelled.
  • 提醒 – set reminders for a variety of one-time or recurring personal events, 比如生日, 周年纪念, 任命, 旅行等等.
  • 安全警报 – receive alerts related to account security, such as when your password is changed or an external transfer is authorized. See the paragraph below for more details on security alerts.



  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. 在菜单中,单击“警报” & 安全“然后”警报设置.”
  3. 在下一个屏幕上, 题为“警报,” all available security alerts will display, as well as any custom alerts you have set previously.
  4. To add a new alert, click the “+ New Alert” button.
  5. Select the type of alert you want to set: 账户警报, 历史提醒, 网上交易提醒, or 提醒 (see a description of each alert type above).
  6. 对于每个警报, select the 元素 account you want the alert to apply to, 警报标准, and how you want to receive the alert (e.g., email, 的声音, SMS text message, push notification, or secure message).
  7. Click the “Create Alert” button. 就这样,你的警报设置好了!




元素非常重视安全性,并提供14种不同类型的安全警报. To maximize your protection, many of these alerts are required; you cannot opt-out of them. On the 警报 screen in 利记, 所需的安全警报以浅灰色显示,包括当您的登录ID或密码被更改或外部转账被授权时的警报. 深灰色显示的安全警报是可选的,可以通过将它们切换到“开启”位置来设置.


Other Types of 警报 Available

You can also choose to receive alerts f或者是 following 元素 tools and products. Click the links below to learn how to set up these notifications.

I use 账单支付 in 利记. Are there special alerts for paying bills?


You can set up a variety of alerts to keep you informed about your 账单支付 account activity. All alerts are available by email, and some can be sent via text, too.


Types of 账单支付 Notifications

  • 账户活动 警报 – get notified when certain types of activity occur, such as when a payment processes, when you have a new secure message, when a transaction is scheduled, or when a new eBill is received.
  • 交易列表提醒 – monthly email alerts containing a list of transactions f或者是 month, such as those scheduled to process or those that were paid.
  • 账单支付 Account 安全警报s – 元素 takes account security very seriously, and there are a few alerts you will automatically receive to protect your account, 例如,当收款人被添加到您的帐单支付帐户时,或当收款人的信息发生变化时,通知.
  • 提醒 -为自己设置一次性或经常性的提醒,提醒自己要付款或要从你的账户中付款.



  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the Menu, click on “Transfers & 支付” and then "Pay with 账单支付."
  3. 在账单支付网站上, 如果你在电脑上, click the “My account” label in the red navigation bar. 如果你使用的是移动设备, click the menu icon (three stacked parallel lines) and then click “My account.”
  4. On the “My Account” screen in the Notifications section, click the “View alerts” button.
  5. 通过点击复选框,选择您想通过电子邮件或移动text接收的警报.
  6. Click the “Update” button when you’re done. 就是这样,你的提醒设置好了



  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the Menu, click on “Transfers & 支付” and then "Pay with 账单支付."
  3. 在账单支付网站上,如果你用的是电脑,点击红色导航栏中的“支付”标签. 如果你使用的是移动设备, click the menu icon (three stacked parallel lines) and then click “支付.”
  4. On the “支付” screen, click the name of the Payee for which you’d like to set a reminder.
  5. Click the “Add 提醒” button.
  6. 选择您的交付方法和频率(一次性或循环),然后选择开始日期.
  7. Click the “Submit” button when you’re done. That’s it, your reminder is set!




To receive an alert when a new eBill is received, you first must set up your Payees (the companies you’re paying, such as your electric utility or a department store). 如果收款人提供电子账单, you will see the Payee listed in the “eBill Connect” section of the 账单支付 home screen. Click on “Set up eBill” and follow the prompts for each Payee. 一旦eBills连接, the 账单支付 system will indicate to you that a new eBill is ready to be paid. If you’d like to get an email or text alert when a new eBill is ready, set the notification using the process outlined above.

How do I set up fraud and transaction alerts for my 元素 debit or 信用卡?


一个好消息! 你的元素借方, 信贷, 现金卡会自动加入免费的短信提醒系统,这有助于防止信用卡上发生欺诈交易. 它是如何工作的:

  • 一个text, 当您的帐户上发现可疑交易时,将发送电子邮件或电话. 的 primary cardholder will be notified of the suspicious activity.
  • Simply reply to confirm whether or not you recognize the transaction(s).
  • If you let us know that you do not recognize the transaction(s), we will block usage of your card until we hear from you.
  • If you reply that you recognize the transaction(s), your card will remain available for use.
  • If you would like to opt out of this service, just reply STOP to the text alert, 或者拨打800-621-2105.


Set 更多的 警报 in the 卡控App

卡控应用图标You can set up additional alerts using the 卡控app. 的 卡控app 是一个配套的应用程序 元素利记应用 允许您控制何时、何地以及如何使用元素信用卡和借记卡. 立即关闭和打开它们, 设置使用控制, and establish alerts for a variety of card activities.

在卡片控制应用程序中, 您可以设置以下类型的警报,以帮助您预算支出并防止元素卡上的欺诈活动: 

  • 位置 – set alerts to notify you if a debit card transaction occurs in an unexpected location, 比如美国以外的地区, or even in-store if your device isn’t present during the transaction.
  • 商人类型 -当您的元素信用卡或借记卡在特定商家类型(如零售商店)使用时收到通知, 加油站, 杂货店, 餐厅, 等.
  • 事务类型 – get an alert when your card is used for specific transaction types, 比如店内, 在线, 邮件/电话订单, 自动支付, 或在自动取款机.
  • 支出限制 -设置消费提醒,以了解您的元素信用卡或借记卡是否有超过设定限额的交易,或者当您的每月限额已超过.



  1. 在“卡片控制”应用的打开界面,点击你想要设置提醒的卡片.
  2. 在下一个屏幕上, select “Controls & 警报,” then “Alert Preferences.”
  3. On the line that says “Send alerts for,” tap the button on the right (the button will say “None” if you have no alerts set).
  4. If you’d like to receive alerts for all card transactions, choose “All Transactions” in the drop-down.
  5. 要选择您想要接收的警报,请在下拉菜单中选择“Selected Transactions”. 的n click on the type of alert you’d like to set (位置, 商人类型, 事务类型, or Spend Limits) and follow the prompts.
  6. 就是这样,你的提醒设置好了! 您将通过在移动设备主屏幕上弹出的推送通知收到您在卡控制应用程序中设置的提醒.



How to Get the 卡控App

如果你还没有卡控制应用程序,你可以从你的移动设备下载应用程序 谷歌玩 或者是 苹果商店. 在下载卡控制应用程序之前,请确保您已经是元素移动应用程序的活跃用户. Get complete installation instructions here.

Can I get an alert when I have a new statement ready?


您可以选择以电子方式获取元素支票账户和储蓄账户的对账单, 信用卡, 抵押贷款, 贷款, and tax documents and we’ll send you an email alert every time a new statement is ready. 事实上, 对很多人来说, we reward you for going paperless by waiving your monthly Maintenance Service Charge!


检查 & 储蓄语句


  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the menu, click on “Statements.”
  3. If you’re on a computer, click on the “Profile” tab. 如果你使用的是移动设备,点击菜单图标(三条平行线堆叠在一起),然后点击“Profile”.”
  4. 在下一个屏幕上, select “Electronic” as the Delivery Type for your eStatements.
  5. 按“提交.”




  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the menu, click on “Statements.”
  3. If you’re on a computer, click on the “Profile” tab. 如果你使用的是移动设备,点击菜单图标(三条平行线堆叠在一起),然后点击“Profile”.”
  4. 在下一个屏幕上, 选择“电子”作为名为“通知”的项目的交付类型(“通知”是元素贷款报表的正式名称).
  5. 按“提交.”



当你有1099-INT或1098税单可供在线查看时,你可以收到电子邮件通知. We call these “eTax” statements. To set up an email alert for your 1099-INT and 1098 tax statements:

  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the menu, click on “Statements.”
  3. If you’re on a computer, click on the “Profile” tab. 如果你使用的是移动设备,点击菜单图标(三条平行线堆叠在一起),然后点击“Profile”.”
  4. 在下一个屏幕上, select “Electronic” as the Delivery Type f或者是 item called “eTax.”
  5. 按“提交.”



当您的每月元素 Visa信用卡对账单准备好查看时,收到电子邮件通知:

  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. 在你的主屏幕上,点击你想要通知的信用卡的账户图标.
  3. 点击“帐户信息”.”
  4. 选择接收遗产税.




  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the Menu, click on your mortgage account's account tile.
  3. Click on the menu item “Sign Up for eStatements” to opt in to receive eStatements.
  4. 然后点击菜单中的“通知我”,选择“当我的按揭对账单可用时通知我”.”
  5. 按“提交”按钮.



How do I set up alerts about my 元素 mortgage?

你可以设置各种电子邮件通知,这样你就知道你的元素抵押贷款发生了什么,并可以在需要的时候采取行动. To customize your mortgage alerts:

  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the Menu, click on your mortgage account's account tile.
  3. Click on “Notify Me” in the menu.
  4. Select the notifications you’d like to receive.
  5. 按“提交”按钮 when you’re done.


的 following mortgage email notifications are available:

  • 抵押贷款 Statement is available
  • 1098税表已备妥
  • 托管分析是可用的
  • 保险费已付
  • 收到付款
  • 纳税了
  • 付款到期



Can I get alerts about my 信贷 score?


Did you know that 元素 gives you 免费的 access to your 信贷 score, full 信贷 report, and 信贷 monitoring? To start getting email notifications about your 信贷 score, simply enroll in our SavvyMoney 信贷 monitoring service within 利记 by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. 在菜单中,单击“工具” & 服务” and then “Credit Score.”
  3. Enter the requested information to enroll in SavvyMoney and pull your 信贷 file. (This request will not affect your score.)
  4. 在下一个屏幕上, you will see your 信贷 score.
  5. 这就是它-你现在将有即时访问您的信用评分,并通过电子邮件接收信用评分更新和每月信用快照.


Types of Credit Score Emails You Will Get

  • When you’re enrolled in SavvyMoney 免费的 信贷 monitoring with 元素, you will receive the following email alerts:
  • 每月信用快照 – an overview of what changed on your 信贷 score and report in the last month.
  • 信用评分更新 – an email alert when your latest 信贷 score and report card are ready for viewing.
  • 信用报告监察 -一个电子邮件提醒你,当一个新的帐户已经打开,并显示在您的信用报告.

To opt out of any of these email alerts, 点击邮件页脚的“取消订阅”或“管理订阅”,并按照提示操作.



I updated my contact info, how do I update my alert notifications?

When you change your contact information within your 在线 banking or mobile app Profile, 电子邮件地址和电话号码会出现在你用元素设置的大多数提醒中.

的re are three types of alerts you will want to be sure you update, however.


  1. We'll walk you through updating these when you make the change to your contact information, if you didn't make the updates to your 自定义利记提醒 at that time, go ahead and follow these directions.
  2. Log in to 元素 利记.
  3. 在菜单中,单击“提醒” & Security," then "Alert Settings."
  4. 在下一个屏幕上, 题为“警报," all available security alerts will display, as well as any custom alerts you have set previously.
  5. Click "Edit" under each scheduled alert and change the SMS Text Number, 声音数量, or Email Address to your new contact information.


  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the Menu, click on "Transfers & 支付" and then "Pay with 账单支付."
  3. 在账单支付网站上, click "Chat Now" to request a contact information update.


  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. In the Menu, click "Connect with Us" and then "Messages."
  3. Use the pencil icon to start a new Secure Message and request the contact information update.

元素 抵押贷款 Notifications

  1. Log in to 元素 利记.
  2. Click the account tile for your 抵押贷款.
  3. Click on "New Message" in the menu.
  4. Choose the best method to contact you, 联系你的最佳时间, and "Update 个人 Information" as the topic. 请注意, 在某些浏览器中,您可能需要滚动下拉列表以选择“更新个人信息”."
  5. 的n provide us with the updated contact information in the message.